Quick Start/Command Summary

Complete night reduction:

cd to your data directory.

Save a copy of your files in a “raw” directory–this code overwrites the originals!

mdkir raw
cp *.fits raw

Start ipython and load the script:

%run /path/to/dbsp.py

For users on the Caltech astro network, log in to soroban and execute:

export PATH="/scr/ebellm/anaconda/bin:$PATH"
source activate iraf27
mkiraf  # choose xgterm
%run /home/ebellm/observing/reduction/dbsp/dbsp.py

Exclude any images that you don’t want to analyze (use your log; especially focus/test exposures from the beginning of the night):


Create arcs and dome flats (run this after you have at least one science exposure):


Process flux calibration standards, if desired. If not, skip this step and set flux=False in extract1D().

store_standards([41,42,43], side='blue')

Extract data:


For basic telluric correction on the red side, first extract an appropriate telluric calibrator, then pass it to store_standards and extract1D:

extract1D(77,side='red', Flux=False)

store_standards([41,42,43], side='red', telluric_cal_id = 77)

extract1D(63,side='red',flux=True, telluric_cal_id = 77)

To process a large number of science spectra in a row:

batch_process(20, 45, side='blue', quicklook='no')      

Finally, join spectra from the blue and red sides, identify pairs (or more) of images:
